Monday, June 05, 2006

I love new stuff!

This weekend was jam packed with running around, plus the sketch show Corey is in opens in 4 days. This is the stage where it seems like the show will never come together, you're exhausted, sick of everyone around you and ready for it to be over. Not that he's complained to me, that's just the way any scripted show goes. We moved last Sunday and pretty much said goodbye to each other until Saturday. He's had rehearsal every night until 10pm or later. Since Saturday was our only day off together, we got as much done as possible. We ran all over town, spending money on stuff for the home, including another closet system from The Container Store for the pantry. Man, that place is awesome. I don't know why organizing makes me so excited, but I could spend all day in that store.
The fun "toy" that I'm the most excited about is my new salon chair. What a strange coincidence that my friend Emily happened to have an old barbers chair that she found in a dumpster outside her apartment. She needed a vacuum, I had a vacuum and so once again the barter system prevailed. It's pretty awesome in my "salon" room. I'd post a picture, but we still don't have internet at home.
Emily also sold me a bike. I've been wanting one for quite a while now. She gave me a great deal. It's practically new, came with a ton of add-on's, a lock and a helmet. I went on my first ride last night to Blockbuster. You know riding a bike really is just like riding a bike! I haven't been on one for years and somehow it was second nature to me. What isn't second nature to me is riding on the scary-ass streets of Chicago. Since you can't ride on the sidewalk, you have to share a lane with cars that just zoom past you and don't leave you much room. I tried to be a good biker and follow all the rules. I just couldn't remember my hand signals for turning. I tried to remember back to the Berenstein Bears book where Papa Bear taught Brother Bear the correct way to ride, but alas it's been too long and the only thing I remembered was how Papa Bear rode on the wrong side of the street and ended up in a tree.


Anonymous said...

funny, my new vacuum loves dust. just loves it. i'm so glad that it worked out so well. and i'm a terrible biker too. Why do you think i sold you the bike!!! -Em

Anonymous said...

I gave you a vacumn that sucks!

Anonymous said...

Alas, so it has been too long to remember the hand signals. So many memories...