Running sucks. I absolutely hate it. In fact, I don't actually run, I do intervals. Run, then walk, then jog, then run a bit, then walk trying to catch my breath, then run....But I always feel great after. My anniversary gift from Corey was the Nano+iPod (See previous blog entry to find out details of what it is). After 2 months of consistently jogging almost everyday, I've hit a wall. I just can't seem to motivate myself like I did the first few months that I was working for myself.
My birthday present from Corey was a big shopping spree for workout clothes. No, my husband isn't hinting that I need to lose weight. He knows I want this stuff. Plus it was a very unselfish gift since he HATES shopping and we actually had a good time picking out all my clothes.
So sigh now I don't have any excuses to skip working out. I have a pair of good quality shoes, cute comfortable clothes, the latest technology to track my progress. Lance Armstrong and other famous athletes even come on to my iPod to congratulate me when I beat my record for minutes per mile pace. I have no excuse. Sigh if only Corey could wrap motivation in birthday paper.
- Mo
Wow, you look dead tired.
HA HA ha ha....
My work here is done.
Is that what Corey does to you if you don't exercise? Real supportive, jerkpod.
Wow, kinda umm..freaky picture. It would have been more believable if you weren't still sitting up. I hear you on the running. The only exercise I am motivated to do these days is walk my dog.
you all better think twice before you make your little comments. i got an itchy trigger finger.
I have this pinched nerve in my back that feels like your picture, but in my back. If I had that i-pod thing I would probably have Lance Armstrong tell me how he survived cancer surgery to win 7 tour de frances and then call me a derogatory name.
My point is don't beat yourself up. You got Lance on your side, and Cory's gun to motivate you. You're fine.
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