Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Andi

Yesterday was Andrea Woody's birthday. Yes, the Andi that both the Chicago and KC friends love so much is now 26 years young.

Hopefully she's feeling alright this morning, because last night when we met up with her and friends at a local Mexican restaurant, she was DEFINITELY feeling alright after a couple hours of drinking margaritas. Maybe "Miss Andi" can work with her pre-school kids on their counting today, by having them count up to her blood-alcohol content. Except these kids are pretty young and may not be able to count that high. Oh well, they can at least work on their colors and point out the red in their teacher's eyes. Ha!

We love you girl and are so glad you moved here.

Happy Birthday, Andi!

1 comment:

Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

Happy birthday Andi!