Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Spreading the awesomeness

A good friend of ours, Nick Wagner is an aspiring filmmaker (among many other talents). You have to check these out. Vidiocy is a contest created by Jason Chin and Jeff Griggs of Chicago's IO to challenge themselves and their friends with video equipment. Anyone can sign up. The contestants are given randomly chosen titles and 30 day deadline. "Vidiocy challenges both professional and amateur videographers to create touching, hilarious, and sometimes outrageous 10-minute movies!"
I got these from Nick's website I'm assuming he'll continue to update it with new films as he continues to create them (including one that Corey had a small part in). Enjoy and feel free to pass them along!

(Be patient, it might take a couple minutes for them to download, but it's worth it)

Free For All
2nd Place, Vidiocy 6
A Film by Adam Portilla, Nick Wagner, Chris Rathjen, Carroll Cottingham, and Jeremy Blodgett

In the Sheets
1st Place, Vidiocy 9
A Film by Jeremy Blodgett, Adam Portilla, Chris Rathjen, and Nick Wagner


Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

I'll have to wait until I get home. I don't have QuickTime installed on this PC and I don't have the time to wait for it to dl. I'll let you know. BTW, is this the Nick that I met during your wedding?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's the Nick... actually Dan Granata who was also in the wedding is in "In the Sheets."