Friday, January 13, 2006


Though the weather was nice, Thursday turned out to be a not so great day. First thing in the morning, I got a call from Corey who had found out from a neighbor that overnight our car had been broken into. Thank God for the neighbor because neither of us pass by the car on our way to the EL to take to work. The car would've sat there all day with its bashed in window and busted dash completely exposed for more vandalism or the weather which eventually turned cold and rainy.
Anyways, turns out some jerkpod, jagoff, dick tug decided to smash in the passenger window and rip out our stereo, completely effing up the dash. They didn't take any of our CD cases or what looked like a Visa card, complete with Corey's signature, which was really a gift card with less than $4 on it. These A-holes just wanted that stereo. As furious as we were, we had to stop and think... we've lived in Chicago for 2 years (2 years to the day... happy anniversary Corey) and we just now had our first break in. Not bad when you really think about it.
Of course we have insurance, though the deductible is $500, so that sucks. Turns out the damage is estimated at way over $500, so at least that parts worth it. Now we just have to live without a car for a few days. Not that it's impossible to do. A lot of people in Chicago don't have cars (the beauty of public transportation). It just makes doing some things, like grocery shopping a huge hassle. Thanks Jerkpod!



Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

That sucks. Although, I don't know how comforted I would feel that you only made it 2 years before something like this happened. I think (don't hold me to this) my ex has never experienced this. So, how long before it all gets fixed and you're back to normal?

Anonymous said...

It's not so much that everyone I know has been vandalized, but being that it's a big city... I don't know. It just makes me feel better. It's just my little way of trying to be positive. Although I do know at least 1 person who's home was broken into. That would be much worse, much scarier.
The car won't be fixed until Friday and of course this week has gotten cold and back to what a normal Chicago winter should be, only adding to the hassle.

Anonymous said...

Here's a little something. Do you have the Pink Floyd cd [i]Pulse[/i]?? Its got a little red light on the case that never stops blinking. Tape the case up with black electrical tape and leave the light showing. Then just keep it in you car at all times. It gives off the illusion that the car is protected.

Try it, after your cars feeling better.

cszponce said...

I am so sorry that happened to you guys! I'm glad that the both of you are o.k. though. Is your insurance going to cover everything?

Apparently someone broke into Pete's blog and made the address "" jump right to Google. At least that's what's happening if you link to it from my blog, for some strange reason.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminding me how scary it is to have your house broken into. Why did I read this right before going to bed? (oh...and sorry about your car, but happy anniversary!)

Anonymous said...

The insurance will cover most of it. We had an after-factory (nice) stereo, but we bought the car w/it already in it, so since we don't have a reciept they're only giving us a basic CD/radio. We also can technically get a car rental covered by the insurance in case we need it, but besides the hassle of trying to get it with our busy schedule, they only cover $15 a day and their preferred car rental company charges $20 a day. It just doesn't seem worth when we'd only it to use for an hour or two. If we were to rent a car, most the time it would just just sit parked and probably just get broken into like ours. This whole ordeal just means ordering in a lot. Sigh

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a perfect opportunity to try out some new takey-outey.