Monday, October 17, 2005

First Day

Today is officially my first day on the new job. I should be really happy. I get to wear jeans, I have a lot more independence and freedom in this job, I'm busier, more challenged, and my new boss is going to be gone this first week and a half, not to mention half of the rest of the year. Then why aren't you happy, Monique? You may ask. Well, because I can't get rid of this God-forsaken sickness. I've been sick with some sort of sinus infection for 3 weeks now. I finally thought I was over it the last half of last week, but then out of the blue, I woke up yesterday with a sore throat and head congested. This later turned into body aches and a fever. Why am I falling apart? I never get sick, so apparently I'm making up for years worth of healthiness. This sucks so much balls. My head feels like it's going to explode. What's worst is that I will likely have to miss my rehearsal tonight since I can barely see straight, let alone jump up and down for warm-ups or have energy for scene work. I know though that my team is going to be annoyed that if I don't make it, because that's what those Jerkpods (along with the President of Jerkpods, our coach) do, since they don't like me. I shouldn't feel guilty about staying home if I'm legitimately sick. I only decided to come to work since it's my first day in this position and at least now I don't have to answer phones and greet guests like I did at the reception desk. Now I can just sit in my cube, by myself and not talk to anyone else. Another plus of this job! For some reason, every since I started working here a year and a half ago, I've had health issues. I never did before, maybe it's just Murphy's Law. Once I got insurance, my back goes out, I have sleep issues, I get this F-ing sinus infection that won't go away! I'm just waiting to break a bone or get stitches, might as well top it off right.


cszponce said...

You know why you've got a sinus infection? Because you didn't call me after you all left Huckleberry's on Saturday night.

Yeah, karma sucks.

And you haven't linked to me yet.

Ya' jerkpod's. :)

Congrats on the new job, though!

Oh - have you guys seen "Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind" yet?

Anonymous said...

You're linked, already! Quit yer whinin'.

Yeah, we've seen TMLMTBGB. Great show, isn't it? A really cool, original idea.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Jeff about not calling you. I think we were just too drunk. On top of it, Corey was sick so we didn't really do a lot of hanging out. Sorry, you're right I was a jerkpod.

You know what else would cure my sinus infection Craig? A bullet. AGHHHH This Sucks!

Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

How much time have you actually allotted yourself to rest and heal? All I've heard is "I ran around and did this...". Have you stayed home from work & rehearsals at all?

Anonymous said...

The first week I got sick, I stayed home Monday and Tuesday. I missed rehearsal both nights and a show on Wednesday, cancelled my appointments on Thursday and did absolutely nothing on Saturday. The second week I rested on Thursday night, but then we went to Rock Island... so, you know. Last week it was off and on. I did get Friday night off, but the rest of the week including Saturday was busy, but I was pretty much feeling fine, minus the cough. I haven't taken any work off this week, but I rested all day Sunady, last night and plan on doing the same tonight. Something is going to have to give, cause I have to put my health first.

Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

What has the doctor said about all this?

Anonymous said...

Ehh, not much. I went back last night. He doesn't think I have the bacterial infection I had before. This damn thing is just running its course. He gave me some prescription strength Alegra (even though we don't think it's allergies). The biggest thing is that he wants me to rest and eventually get back to excersising so I can boost my immune system. It was a good "excuse" to not do any shows or rehearsals this week. Any of my coaches that get annoyed can suck on it. My health is more important than improv.

Anonymous said...

Health more important than improv??? Who told you that??

Randman said...

Sinus infections are some of the hardest things to cure. Because I wear a CPAP at night, I get them very easily. It takes forever to get over them, and then, they pop right back up.

I feel for you, Mo!

Anonymous said...

What's a CPAP? For snoring?

Randman said...

No, for Sleep Apnea. My airway closes while I sleep, and I stop breathing. Then, I wake myself up and start breathing again. This can be 80 times an hour or more. A side effect of this is snoring, but that's not the reason for the machine. The CPAP blows air down my airway at a constant pressure, keeping it open, so i don't stop breathing.

It ain't pretty, but it's necessary.

Anonymous said...

So Craig, are you saying that you should get one??